Keep Calm, Learning is On!

You want to keep your child on track, even during hybrid and virtual learning.
Here’s your Learning Hero Roadmap to help with math, reading, life skills and more.


Keep Calm, Learning is On!
Keep Calm, Learning is On!
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Super Parent Illustration

How can you make learning at home fun?

Try the Readiness Check! Your child answers short questions in math and reading, and you get fun (free) videos and activities to support learning at home. 

Start the Readiness Check here >>

Did You Know?

According to our national survey, 92% of parents believe their child is performing at or above grade level.* However, only 39% of teachers say students start the school year prepared for grade-level work**

* PARENTS 2020: COVID-19 Closures – A Redefining Moment for Students, Parents, and Schools


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Know What’s Expected

Use this tool to know what’s expected this year and how you can help at home! Find some of the best grade-level resources from trusted experts like Khan Academy, Wide Open School, GreatSchools, and more.

Choose a Grade

Then select a resource

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Keep a Fun Routine

Do you want to help your child feel safe, happy, and keep them learning? You are not alone. Check out examples of age-specific home learning schedules. Have fun and change them to fit your family’s needs and interests.

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Use this Character Strengths Finder with your child to zero in on their strengths and areas for growth – like learning from mistakes, working hard, and other life skills.

Learn more »


How do you help your child approach both struggles and strengths? Try this Growth Mindset Kit and help your child see that hard work leads to success.

Learn more »
Expressing Emotions

Expressing Emotions

In order to understand and deal with emotions positively, it’s important for children to recognize and name their feelings. Get ideas from these 'Parenting Minutes' videos.

Watch the videos here »


We all struggle with what to do and say during tough parenting situations. Use these helpful cues from GreatSchools for issues ranging from positive discipline, organization skills, to getting homework done, and more.

Learn more »
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Chart Your Route...Together!

Students, parents, and teachers are critical allies on the road ahead.

Stay in Touch with the Teacher

Teachers say the #1 way to know how your child is progressing is to be in regular contact. Let your child’s teacher know the best way to be in touch with you, especially during hybrid/virtual learning. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not clear on what to do.

Plan For College

Our national survey revealed that among parents’ top concerns was paying for college. The good news is that there is help. In fact, most full time students receive some sort of financial aid. Use these 5 steps and resources to start the planning process now to reduce stress later.

  1. Learn about the power of savings
  2. Make a plan for before and after college
  3. Use a Financial Aid Checklist
  4. Explore your financial options
  5. Make the most of middle school

Plan For College

Our national survey revealed that among parents’ top concerns was paying for college. The good news is that there is help. In fact, most full time students receive some sort of financial aid. Use these 5 steps and resources to start the planning process now to reduce stress later.

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Learning Tools

Find helpful resources to support ‘life skills’ (academic, social, and emotional learning.)

Be a Learning Hero!

Get monthly tips and information to help your child succeed in school.

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