"Dear Teacher" Letter

This personalized letter helps introduce your child to their new teacher so that they can best support your child right from the beginning!

How to use it:
1. In the blank spaces to the left, fill in a bit about your child.
2. As you type, you’ll see the letter being filled to your right.
3. Use the “Save Letter” button at the bottom. Print or save and share the final letter.
4. Schedule a time with your child's teacher to review the letter.

  • (e.g., playing games, reading together, dancing, playing at the playground, etc.)
  • (e.g., art, inventing/creating, nature activities etc.)
  • (e.g., math, science, writing etc.)
  • (e.g., communicating with others, problem solving, creative thinking)
  • (e.g., organization, managing emotions, self confidence)
  • (e.g., math overall but especially word problems using multi-step division)
  • Our goals for this school year are
    (socially, emotionally, or academically, E.g., Feel excited and motivated by school, Get to grade level work in math, Further develop creative writing skills.)
  • Click "Save" to save or print your personalized letter.

Dear ,

Hello! We are the family of . We are excited to team up with you to support each other.

Our family includes . Some of our family’s favorite activities are .

loves to .

enjoys at school and is good at .

needs more support with .

Last year, I noticed improved in and needs more support with .

s goals for this school year are

You can reach us at . The best times are . Together with you, we look forward to supporting in this new school year!

Thank you!