Parent-Teacher Planning Tool

Parent-Teacher Planning Tool

Parents are the experts on their children and teachers are the experts of classroom learning.  Share what you know and ask questions to co-create a simple plan.   

Use this tool to get ready for parent-teacher conferences. You can also use it to follow up with teachers afterwards and make sure you have the information you need about your child’s progress. 

Enter your notes then choose Print or Email Plan at the bottom of the page. 

Help the Teacher Connect with Your Child

Think about what’s most important for the teacher to know about your child (socially, emotionally, and academically). Share something positive you notice the teacher doing that is helping your child.

  • My child is doing well with….
  • My child needs help with….
  • My child does best when…
  • Important changes I’ve noticed in my child include…

Ask about Grade-Level Progress

Find out what’s expected of your child this year and what kind of ‘benchmark’ tests will help track your child’s learning. Teachers use ‘multiple measures’ such as tests, classwork, rubrics, etc. to inform classroom instruction. Ask to see these so you can have a more accurate picture of their progress.

  • Is my child at grade level in reading and math?
  • What are the key math skills my child is expected to learn this year?
  • Can you show me an example of what those skills look like?
  • How will you know where my child needs more help, especially given the disruption in learning over the past couple of years?

Team up on a Plan

Co-create a plan that includes how you can help at home and stay in regular touch with the teacher.

  • How can I support key math and reading skills at home?
  • What resources do you recommend?
  • Here’s what I’ve noticed helps my child stay motivated at home…
  • When and how can we touch base next about my child’s progress?
Family Illustration

Did you know? 

  • Nationally, almost 9 in 10 parents believe their child is at or above grade level in reading and math. Yet only 30% of 8th graders nationally demonstrate proficiency or above in math and reading. Parents want a clear picture and the truth about how their child is progressing. Teachers say the best way to know how your child is achieving is to be in regular touch with the teacher.
  • Students can fall behind if they miss just one or two days every few weeks. By supporting regular attendance and knowing how your child is progressing,  you can help them succeed this year.

You are your child’s learning hero!

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