The Lightning Dreamer

The Lightning Dreamer is a wonderfully unique book that your family will absolutely love. It’s historical fiction told through poems written by Tula, the younger version of Cuba’s greatest abolitionist,…

Readiness Check – MN

Help your child with math and reading at home this summer. Have your child answer these 3-5 questions as a quick review. It isn’t a test—they can relax and solve…

The Wall: Growing Up Behind the Iron Curtain

…early life of growing up in Communist Prague. Your family will live the clash of political ideals and creative dreams by gazing at Sís’s incredible drawings and reading his journal…

The Giver

…be the Receiver of Memory, a task in which he will hold the collective memory for the community since no one else possesses recollections of his or her own. With…

Readiness Check Fall – Spanish

¡Motiva a tu hijo para que aprenda con éxito (y ame) las matemáticas este año! Como jugando, haz que responda a estas 5 preguntas breves para comprobar si domina las…

Haz un plan a tu medida (Summer 2020)

…la mayoría de los padres. Al pasar más tiempo en casa y ver cómo aprenden tus hijos, en qué áreas les va bien y en cuáles necesitan más apoyo, puedes…

Something Beautiful

…create beauty around her and the ways in which she becomes an influence for good in her community. Your family might relate to this book as the text and illustrations…